Constellation, also known as Burj in Arabic and Urdu is the area of sky. You can think sky as World and Countries as Constellations. Countries have divided world into several regions. In the same way, constellations have divided the whole sky in 88 pieces. Out of these 88 constellations, 12 are Zodiac constellations. This means…
Saad Abbasi, A Rising AstroPhotographer
Saad Abbasi, an amateur astronomer from Bahawalpur, Pakistan has recently hopped into the field of AstroPhotography. His imagery of Pinwheel Galaxy (Messier 101) in wide field amazed the astronomers all over the Pakistan. He used a SBIG ST8300M CCD camera mounted on a Takahashi FSQ-85EDX telescope. The image shows spectacular view of a spectacular galaxy….
Taking Full Advantage of Loadsheding
At 9:45, I went up at terrace with my 10×50 binoculars, Started Observing, First looked at Canopus (Alpha Carinae), its a very beautiful sight even with naked eyes, and with binoculars, this star looks spectacular, Then looked at the Beehive cluster in Cancer and was able to resolve about 30 stars in it. Then I…
All Night Astronomy @ CATI
17-March-2010 I was sleeping in the morning, when I got up around 9 AM, I saw that there was a missed call by Omer bhai from Lahore. I wondered why a call from him so early in the morning. I called him back. I didn’t have any idea what news was coming to me. I got…
All Night Astronomy At CATI
17-March-2010 I was sleeping in the morning, when I got up around 9 AM, I saw that there was a missed call by Omer bhai from Lahore. I wondered why a call from him so early in the morning. I called him back. I didn’t have any idea what news was coming to me. I got…
My First Blog
Assalam-o-alaikum everyone, this is Bilal Mughal and welcome to my blog, this blog will present you with a weekly essay on any scientifc topic mostly astronomy since I am an Astronomer, and also will cover other Astronomy happenings in Pakistan, Enjoy your visit and don’t forget to leave comments.