— Reuters/File

As Pakistanis prepare for the holy month, filling their refrigerators with Seher and Iftar essentials, and go lengths to ensure that their Eid dresses are ready on time, they are all fixated on one question:

“Yaar, chaand kab hai?” (When will the moon be sighted?)

Thanks to the ill-informed reporting of our media and the myth-believing nature of Pakistanis, we grow up blaming the Central Ruet-i-Hilal Committee (the official body for moon sighting and the authority which declares the official start of Islamic months) for its inability to see the moon.

To further fuel the controversy, there is Masjid Qasim Ali Khan in Peshawar, which dissents every other year (save last year), and announces the start and end of Ramazan asynchronously with the rest of the country.

Some blame the Masjid, some blame the Ruet-i-Hilal Committee, and most live in ignorance of the matter at hand. If one takes out the time to understand this moon business, they will learn that modern scientific tools can help us resolve the issue, which is not an issue at all, if you ask me.

The Sun-Earth-Moon geometry

The rotation of the moon around the Earth drives the Lunar Calendar, which is also the Islamic or Hijri Calendar. The time between two full moons is 29.5 days. When the moon comes exactly between the Sun and the Earth, it is called the “Conjunction” and it is said that a new moon is “born”.

At the conjunction point, all of the Sun’s radiation is reflected back by the moon and none reaches the Earth. Therefore, the moon is completely black to us earthlings and is thus invisible.

The time passed after the moment of conjunction is called the age of the moon.

Credit: Creative Commons

After the conjunction, the moon continues proceeding in its orbit and the angle between the moon and Sun as seen by an observer on Earth (elongation) increases. It happens at different rates during different months, because its orbit is elliptical, and hence, its speed varies. As the angle increases gradually from 0 degrees, the crescent moon starts to form.

Credit: Creative Commons

According to Syed Khalid Shaukat, an expert on moon sighting who has decades of experience at his disposal, the minimum angle between the Sun and moon for the moon to be visible through naked eye is 10.5 degrees. Reaching this elongation can take anywhere from 17 to 24 hours after conjunction. Thus, age is not the primary factor for moon’s visibility – the elongation is.

The conflict

A section of Islamic scholars believe that seeing the moon with the naked eye should be the criterion for declaring the start of a new month. A smaller section advocates that we can rely solely on the calculations, and there is no need to visually see the moon.

Without endorsing one view over the other, I will simply point out that as far as sighting the moon goes, we could acquire great deal of help from science.

We could use calculations and modern simulations for knowing where and when to look for the moon, how high it will be in the sky, and what are the chances of its visibility. It is now possible to calculate the exact window of the moon’s visibility after sunset and even generate simulated images of the moon beforehand.

The official and unofficial moon sighting committees ask people to testify if they have seen the moon. This is where these simulated images can be used: anyone who claims to have seen the moon can be asked questions like what time they saw it, how high it was, whether it was near or close to the sun, whether the cusps were upward or sideways, whether it was on the left side or right side of the moon, etc.

These questions are enough to filter out false claims of sighting.

This rejection is attributed to genuine misjudgement, which does not diminish the person’s uprightness and acceptability as a witness. Numerous renowned, as well as recent and contemporary scholars, support this view.

That is how the Central Ruet-i-Hilal Committee filters out testimonies, but the Masjid Qasim Ali Khan gives no value to these calculations and relies solely on the piousness of a person as evidence of correct sighting.

The Ruet-i-Hilal Committee has borne the brunt of a history of misconceptions and badmouthing, but in fact, the committee makes very scientific decisions, give or take occasional errors, which are very rare.

Their decision is almost always in accordance with scientific calculations, while those by Masjid Qasim Ali Khan are often found mathematically impossible. Outside of science, it is indeed very hard to establish the sighting of the moon to a credible degree, and so Masjid Qasim’s claims will be doubtful at best.

In 2011, the Masjid announced that the moon had been sighted and that Ramazan would commence from August 1, whereas the visibility wasn’t possible from Peshawar and surrounding areas at all.

Courtesy: Moonsighting.com

On the other hand, the Central Ruet-i-Hilal Committee made the correct decision.

Courtesy: Moonsighting.com

Explaining the ‘fat’ crescent

Another misconception of Pakistanis is that if the crescent is fat, it could not possibly be the first sighting of the lunar month.

Wrong. It may not be the first date of the lunar month, but it can certainly be the first sighting.

The reason for that is, if the moon’s ‘age’ is less than 17 hours on a given day, it will set without becoming visible to the naked eye. So technically, there was a crescent, it just never got the chance to be seen from Earth. The next day at the same time, it will be 17+24=41 hours of age, and will definitely look fatter and more visible.

Blaming the Ruet-i-Hilal Committee for not spotting the young crescent on its first day is foolish – blame nature, rather.

Today, astronomy can accurately establish the time of birth of the new moon with the accuracy of seconds, and its likelihood of being visible. So, what is the harm in using this astronomical basis to reject a claimed sighting which could not possibly be correct?

Originally published at Dawn.com on June 17th, 2015.

8 thoughts on “Ending the moon-sighting controversy through science”
  1. I totally agree with you and really appreciate your research work.
    I spent quite long time in KPK.I used to ask the same question to “local well educated fellows” about moon issue “For how long we will keep on fighting on this small issue?” and usually their replies were: 1.since the saudia arabia is center of islam so we should celebrate eid according to them (saudis) 2.As in khalifat period there used to be one eid in whole saltanat so there should be one eid and we should follow “center of islam”.
    so the solution is “keep convincing them till they agree”.

  2. well! mr.bilal…. i want to share as well ask from u……. few grps also debeat on this thing ” laila tul qader ” is one then there should b one day(for ramzan and eid) for all muslim uma.as if in saudia today is odd night.bt here it is even?????
    and acording to science,the difference of hours considerd in region to region? will u plesae elaborte this al?

    1. Assalam o Alaikum.

      I am sorry for the late reply, as I was trying to search for a suitable answer to your question. Actually Miss Zobi, the question you’ve asked is more of a Religious and Philosophical nature, for which I may not have a good answer. But my idea is, that at the end of the day, it depends on your Niyyat. Allah is concerned only with your intentions. If you started Ramazan earlier/later, maybe Allah will bless you with Shab e Qadar’s blessings even when its passed already or haven’t come yet. I would suggest you to consult some scholar on this issue.

      I am attaching a scan from a Tafseer of Quran about the question, may be it can help you understand. Rest assured, the entire Muslim Ummah can not have consensus on a single day, because Earth is round, and after every few hundred miles, you have different time. Go thousand miles and difference becomes of a day and keeps growing. So Saudia will always be one day ahead of Pakistan.

      Here you go: http://www.freeimagehosting.net/vujn9

      Hope that helps.


      P.S: The site has moved to new address at http://www.astrobilal.co.cc

      1. Sorry Bilal, I don’t agree that Saudi will always be one day ahead.
        if Saudi & US having 12 hr gap can be on same date, why 2 hr difference of Pakistan can’t be?

    2. I suppose below link may satisfy your query.

      It is evident from most scholarly schools of thought that we should start & end lunar months the same day all over the globe. Besides logic & references quoted in above link, it also displays unity & harmony among the Muslim nation.

      I’ve a beautiful presentation with same material & can email you if you like.

  3. The point is not Saudi alone; if any authentic Muslim witness sees Moon anywhere in the world for the 1st time, we’re obliged to start.
    This may even be in Morocco, or Iran, or Indonesia.

    1. I’ll appreciate the presentation, please email it to me at astronomerbilal@hotmail.com

      Regarding your point of Why we are obliged to start? I will only comment that its a matter of Fiqh and Ijtihaad, therefore I will keep silent on it. But the fact is, at the time of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w, Muslim population was only in Hijaz, i.e a single country, and it could see the Moon on a single day. Nowadays we can’t. If we choose to synchronize the Ramazan start/end and Moon sighting with Saudi Arabia, shall we offer the prayers at the same time as Saudia?

      There are scholars who do support using calculation as the basis of start/end of month, but that again depends on the horizon of each area. Horizon of Pakistan is different from that of Saudi Arabia. They can not see Moon on same day. Every country every region has its own timings Sir. Moon is related with timings, which change one minute for every 13 miles east or west. When there is time change, there is definitely change in Moon timings.

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