Our respected AstroFellow Dr. Muhammad Akbar Hussain just purchased a Hydrogen Alpha Telescope from London. He plans to bring it to Pakistan InshaAllah August of this Year.
Hydrogen-Alpha means we will now be able to see and study the surface features of The Sun.
The Sun looks something like this in Hydrogen-Alpha.
Wow, I can’t wait to check the Sun through this telescope.
Thanks Bilal for the update.
Firstly, you are free to copy images from our PAAS webpage. It is as yours as mine or anyone who is in our team.
Secondly, the image of the Sun you have pasted is I think from a Hydrogen-Alpha telecope of at least 60mm diameter. Though it is a good repesentation of how the Sun looks like visually in a small H-Alpha system, like our 35mm LS35THa, it would still be a bit of challenge to snap a similar picture from it. But we will try with better photographic apparatus.
(btw, the prominences looked much much better and more 3D like, from our LS35 than in this shot)
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