Assalam-o-alaikum everyone, this is Bilal Mughal and welcome to my blog, this blog will present you with a weekly essay on any scientifc topic mostly astronomy since I am an Astronomer, and also will cover other Astronomy happenings in Pakistan,

Enjoy your visit and don’t forget to leave comments.

3 thoughts on “My First Blog”
  1. its exciting experience, we know u r putting your untiring efforts, may ALLAh Bless YOu…i must say such a nice and knowlegeable blog and remember KNPWLEDGE IS POWER…

  2. I appreciate your efforts, Bilal. You are my one of the brightest students, I always expect something unusual from you, and you proved me right. As people at your age are not serious for anything, even not for their studies, you have such a researching mind. This is a good practice, and above all, doing work of your interest is a thing of joy forever. Keep it up, and let me know something about Scorpion sign.
    All the best, I wish you to be one of the best astronauts of the world.

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